Crystal I have no clue how you do what you do. You are infinitely more tough than I am. I like doing martial arts and there's tons of walls you hit when training in something like jiu-jitsu, but I feel like running is a whole different beast. Massive respect to you. I'm subscribing. Thanks for liking my Note yesterday!

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i appreciated your words yesterday! and thank you for your comment. i enjoyed the practice of martial arts (jiu-jitsu was actually my favorite). it's probably where i learned to engage with what seemed like the enemy (but really only my dance partner). running is it's own kind of dance. endurance is an interesting genre and i love that the experience of it transcends sport.

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I see what you mean Crystal. It's more of a you vs. yourself thing? All sports are like that to some extent but running really seems to boil that down to its absolute essence in a way other sports can't.

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Hi Crystal, glad we connected through notes. I too find solace in endurance. Looking forward to chatting more and following your journey.

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